Gourmands gallery

The passion in knowing our guests in habits, desires, but especially in tastes. We remember you and we know your favorite dishes. We like you to be with us “putting your face” and we like this to be shared in a gallery that will welcome those who will visit us and choose to be here.
Thank you for being part of La Gustea.

Roberto & Co.

Terme and supplì

Amber, Shaelin e Sharon

Fettuccine “made in USA”

Lish e Corinna

Cappuccino and music

Virginia e Silvia

Vegetables soup

Jaap e Marjan

All without salt

Piccolo & Di Marco families

More and more cheesecake

Mauro & Luisa

That atmosphere that made unique our week-end

Jim Millar

Sarteano in his heart. SMT in ours.

Contrada of San Bartolomeo

It’s Joust!

Siro, Alfio, Marco, Antonella, Cristina, Giuseppina, Maria Mara, Adriano

Password: TAVULLIA!


Dancing with the stars … hosting a STAR!

Arrival Date
Departure date